Useful Common Linux Commands

If you are using Linux for the first time and you do not even know about Linux then you should know about basic common Linux commands. Here you are going to give a list of Linux commands to people who are going to get you a lot of work ahead.

1. ls: They will list current directory content.

2. cd: From this, you can change your current directory.

3. cat: With this, you can display the file content on the screen, along with it can copy and combine text files.

4. history: From this, you can see all the executed commands list on the screen.

5. chmod: This command allows you to change the file permission.

6. chown: This command allows you to change the file owner.

7. clear: This command allows  you can clear screen for a fresh start.

8. df: This allows you can see used and available disk space.

9. date: This command allows you to display the current system date and time.

10. du: From this, you can know how much space is taken in the file.

11. file: This command allows you to recognize exist type of data in the file.

12. find: This command allows you to search any term in the file.

13. man: This command allows you to display help for the specific command.

14. cp: This command allows you to copy files and folders.

15. mv: This allows you to rename and move files and directories.

16. mkdir: This allows you to create a new directory.           

17. lpr: This allows you can print any file content.

18. less: This command allows you to view page content by page content.

19. tar: This command allows you can compress, create and extract any file from any file.

20. grep: This command allows you can search for a string in a file.

21. ssh: With this, you can connect and login (encrypted & secure) with a remote machine.

22. su: With this, you can switch to a different user.

23. rmdir: With this, you can remove an empty directory.

24. rm: With this, you to remove files and directories (empty or non-empty).

25. pwd: From this, you can see to display the current user working directory.

26. ps: This command allows you to display other information along with the running process id.

27. passwd: This command allows you to change the user password.

28. more: With this, any file can display page by page.

29. kill: This command allows you can kill any process with the help of their process id.

30. gzip: This allows you to create a compressed file with a .gz extension.

31. unzip: This command lets you unzip or uncompress a file.

32. shutdown: This can shut down the machine.

33. Free: can be used to dhow

34. top: This allows you to show the top process according to CPU usage.

35. who: With this, you can display the current user’s information which is logged in.

36. whereis: This command allows you can get the location of any command (where they are stored)

37. whatis: This allows you to show any command information in a single line.

38. tail: This command allows you to print the last ten lines of any file.

39. wget: This command can download any file from the internet, rename it and store it anywhere.

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