Hello Friends Today, in this post we see what is wired and wireless networks and what are the differences between wired and wireless networks and their types and their advantages and disadvantages.
Post Contents
What is a wired network
Wired network is also called guided. In a wired network, the information or transmission between the sender and the receiver is through a physical wire or cable, in other words, the signal sent from the sender to the receiver through a wire. Or travel through cable.
This wire or cable can be of any type, such as – Twisted Pair Cable, Baseband Coaxial Cable, Broadband Coaxial Cable, Fiber Optic Cable All these physical media have their merits.

Wired network is used for a transmission where both the sender and the receiver are stationary at a fixed location, in which case a physical wire or cable is inserted between them, which is used on both sides.
It can be done anytime, in this type of transmission the distance between sender and receiver can range from a few meters to thousands of kilometers.
If the physical distance is short, then special wires or cables can be inserted between them for transmission if the distance is too much, then the already available wires like telephone lines can also be used for transmission, also necessary.No, the transmission medium between the sender and the receiver is the same.
It can be divided into several parts as per the requirement, and each part can be different, but it is necessary to combine them in some way to form a consistent medium so that the data to be sent without Some other tools as modems can also be used as per the requirement to reach the recipient of an obstacle.
What is a wireless network
Wireless is also called unguided, in this type of transmission no physical medium is used to send any information from a sender to recipient, but the sky is used, it becomes necessary to do so.
When the Sender or Receiver or both are not fixed ie mobile, they have no place due to being mobile, so it is not possible to put any physical transmission medium between them, hence the use of the wireless transmission is done.

Sometimes wireless transmission is used even in cases where it is not possible or very difficult to put a physical cable, such as on mountains, in dense forests, in the sea, in snowy areas, etc.
In wireless transmission, information is converted into electromagnetic waves and released into the sky by an antenna.
Those waves are captured by the receiver of the receiver and converted into the original information, wireless transmission is used by radio and television, sometimes financially wireless transmission is much cheaper than wired transmission.
It is, and it is also simple, so the use of wireless transmission is gradually increasing nowadays.
Wireless devices transmit information through the following two types of signals.
1. Radio Frequency Waves: –
This type of waveform has a frequency of 1 to 20 GHz (GHz), which is used in the transmission of data between different stations by wireless local area networks.
2. Infrared Waves: –
The wavelength or wavelength of this type of wave is 800 to 900 nanometers (NM), they are also used by wireless local area networks, it has many characteristics and disadvantages as compared to radio wave frequency wave, it can be used for moving units ( Mobile Units).
Types of wireless networks
Wireless Pen (WPAN)
It is a network used for personal appearance or on a very small scale area. For example, Bluetooth radio and infrared ray headset are used to connect a laptop to zig bee also supports WPAN.
Wireless lane (WLAN)
WLAN is used to connect local resources to the Internet. The WLAN connects the link between two short-range devices via wireless classification method and also provides a connection to access the Internet, using the Speed Spectrum or OFDM technology, even if the user is connected while moving in a spatial fixed area. Is kept.
Wireless mesh network
A wireless mesh network is a wireless network created by the radio nodes used in the mesh topology. Each node transmits the message to another node. Self-healing is the mesh network that causes health rewriting, leading to loss of power.
Wireless Men (WMAN)
The wireless metropolitan area network serves to connect several other wireless lanes. One type of WMAN is also WiMAX, expanded by IEEE802.16
Wireless Wayne (WWAN)
Wireless wide area networks are used to connect large areas such as neighboring towns and cities. These networks are used to connect branches of offices or Internet access systems.
This network is parabolic in the 2.4 GHz band. The point transmitting comes. It does not use the omnidirectional antenna. The base station gateway in this system, Kses point and is a wireless bridge relay.
Global area network
Global area networks are used to support mobile in wireless LANs communities. Handoff is the main challenge in mobile communication.
Space Network
The space network communicates between spacecraft and humans sitting on Earth. Example of NASA’s space network.
Advantage of wireless network
Communication can also be done easily in schools, malls, and airplanes with the help of laptops and mobiles.
Speed of set-up
With a wireless adapter in your computer, you can easily connect to the Internet with speed.
Wireless costs less than only.
Tensile Strength
New computers are easier in wireless networks than cable networks.
Loss from the wireless network
Many times in a wireless network, your personal files can also go into the wrong hands by a backup.
Due to radio communication, light sometimes interferes with other electronic devices.
Unstable Connection
Sometimes wireless networks are not stable due to interference or other reasons, so only networks are more stable
The transmission speed of wireless is less than the cable network, the only network is selected for personal work and high speed.
Difference between wired and wireless: –
Wireless and wired have the following differences: –
wired: –
1: – Communication in this type of network is by cable. These cables are called coaxial cables.
2: -wired networks are more secure.
3: -wired networks cost less.
4: – Its performance is of high quality.
5: – Its installation is a bit difficult.
Wireless: –
1: – Communication is wireless in this type of network, that is, it does not require cable.
2: -It is less secure than wired.
3: -Wireless network is more expensive.
4: – Its performance is less good than wired.
5: – This network can be easily installed.
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